EU Survey on Business Practices Related to Using Customer Data

The European Commission is exploring new legislative initiatives concerning business practices where customer data is used to increase revenues and has opened a consultation. Do you utilize customer data? Have your voice heard by 16 September.

Survey on AI and smart contracts

The EU Commission is launching a survey on AI and smart contracts. The commission is looking into novel forms of contracting, made possible by smart contracts and artificial intelligence (AI).

STAGE Financial Grants for SMEs to support sustainable transition

The partners of “Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise (STAGE)” launched the new call of theSTAGE Grant Programme, targeting SMEs and sustainable/financial advisors.  Through a competitive process, the STAGE Grant Programme will provide up to 25.000 € funding for SME, to support the preparation of an investment project plan and/or other additional services (needed for the investment plan preparation), facilitating the company’s sustainable transition. Only SMEs from […]