In Général

The internationalisation of your activities through the export or import of goods or services requires diverse skills and mastery of all stages leading to the fulfilment of a contract. They include a diagnosis of the company’s ability to internationalise its activities, market research, contractual and financial aspects, risk management, local regulatory requirements and cultural aspects linked to markets. Identifying potential customers or suppliers and promoting its products or services to identified targets also requires a significant investment of time but also financially.

Enterprise Europe Brussels supports Brussels SMEs in their international development through information and advisory services as well as networking with foreign companies.

Basic network services provide direct and simple answers to a company’s questions, so that the company does not need additional assistance to meet its specific request. Basic services are standard and are not specifically customized.

The advanced services of the network support customers facing more complex issues, problems or obstacles and help them prepare for the achievement of their medium- and long-term internationalisation strategy.

The internationalisation journey offered by Enterprise Europe Brussels consists of personalised information and advisory services as well as networking with companies abroad. It focuses on international development within the European internal market and access to foreign markets outside the European Union, as well as connecting with foreign companies.

It all starts with a knowledge of the company’s activities, its international development project and its needs.
Through the EEN internationalisation journey, Enterprise Europe Brussels will provide you with the following personalised services:

  • You communicate to us your specific needs and questions, we provide you with the appropriate information and advice.
  • Regular information related to your needs.
  • Dissemination of your profile and business opportunity (offer or request) on the EEN partnership platform
  • Linking with foreign companies following an expression of interest.
  • Dissemination of your business opportunity to EEN members and partners in your target countries.
  • Access to EEN matchmaking events

An assessment of the impact of these services will be requested annually from the company.

Contact Enterprise Europe Brussels to obtain the documents to be completed with your questions, needs, as well as information on your company profile and business opportunity (offer or request) for dissemination on the Enterprise Europe Network’s partnership platform.

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