Are you a digital technological player with market-oriented tools? Read this info!
Your SME is a digital technological player ? Then seize the opportunity to stand out of the crowd !
2 Business opportunities from Poland
Enterprise Europe Network in Poland sent us 2 business opportunities form Polish companies looking for partners in Belgium.
Business opportunities from Brussels companies
Brussels companies have published their business opportunities on the Partnership platform of Enterprise Europe Network.
If you are interested by one of them or if you want to publish your own business opportunity on the EEN platform, please contact Enterprise Europe Brussels.
Expand your business network to Japan
Since 2016, the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Enterprise Europe Network representative in Japan, has been organizing a Brokerage Event in the Biotech and Pharma sectors in Osaka, Japan. This year, the Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference will be held online over one week from 25 to 29 September 2023, with an onsite session on […]
Eurostars funding opportunities
We are delighted to provide you with the latest updates on some summer funding opportunities. Among them, the upcoming Eurostars call, accessible until 14 September, undoubtedly stands out. Eurostars is part of the co-funded European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. It is a funding instrument supporting SMEs wishing to collaborate on R&D projects with at least […]
EEN Energy Solutions Catalogue
In the framework of the EUSEW 2023 in Brussels on 22nd of June, the EEN has published an « Energy Solutions Catalogue ». The catalogue is a collection of 75 solutions for energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable energies that are already available in the market. These technical and service solutions are a major support for energy intensive industries […]