In Général, Innovation

Two days ago EASA – EU Aviation Space Agency – published A.I. Roadmap 2.0 where the agency clearly states its top 5 A.I. objectives, in line with the EC ethical guidelines and EASA Trustworthy A.I. building blocks.

The document – available HERE – reminds how aviation has always been at the forefront of tech innovation, including today with the widespread use of A.I. which is the latest tech revolution.

In the aviation sector, different domains are already or will soon been impacted by this tech revolution, such as :

  1. Aircraft design and operation
  2. Aircraft production and maintenance
  3. Environment
  4. Air traffic management
  5. Aerodromes
  6. Drones, U-space and innovative air mobility
  7. Cybersecurity
  8. Safety risk management

In all of them, EASA has identified a set of common challenges and 4 building blocks, considered essential for creating a framework for
AI trustworthiness and for enabling readiness for use of AI in aviation.

The Roadmap is a living document, which will be amended once a year and meant as a basis for discussions with all of the Agency’s stakeholders

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