In Général

Are you a transport operator? A digital mobility service provider? A consumer organization? Or a citizen interested in shaping tomorrow’s mobility?

Have your say! Enterprise Europe Brussels invites you to contribute to this public consultation on multimodal digital mobility services!

The Commission would like to better understand how you are using multimodal digital mobility services and what challenges and barriers you identify.

During the contribution phase, among others, the following preliminary potential policy issues have been identified:

  • the insufficient availability and accessibility of data,
  • sub-optimal cooperation between transport operators and multimodal digital mobility services,
  • lack of cooperation between operators,
  • the limited availability of digital tickets,
  • inadequate payment system interoperability and different licencing and distribution agreements.

You can consult them all here.

We are now entering the public consultation which is an opportunity for you to share your views on the current situation and mostly where further EU action is needed. You have until 23 February 2022 to contribute to the public consultation with your opinions on the matter. Want to be part of it? Join it here.

A report will be published with a summary of all contributions.

The conclusion of this consultation that will support impact assessment by the European Commission is planned for the end of 2022.

More info here

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