Dernière Activité

Industrial stakeholders from all sectors and ecosystems of industry: the floor is yours

Submit your proposals to organise a session during the next EU Industry Days 2021

Des réseaux de confiance développés via des partenariats rendus possible par l’Union Européenne

Dans le cadre de la campagne EUOpen4Business, Enterprise Europe Network Brussels a voulu mettre en avant la success story de MEOH qui a bénéficié des services de mise en relation du réseau. Découvrez la success story de Gaël Van Weyenbergh et Maxime Bouillard, les dirigeants de  MEOH.  

Collaboration with Solifin

By collaborating with Solifin, Enterprise Europe Brussels helps entrepreneurs to both access finance and foster sustainability, killing two birds with one stone. Why? Sustainability is with digitalisation one of the core pillar and leverage of the EU industrial Strategy and SME strategy. This is why supporting the sustainability transition has become a key priority for […]

Access2Markets : le nouveau portail de l’UE pour l’internationalisation des entreprises européennes

Le portail Access2Markets est le nouvel outil de l’UE pour soutenir les entreprises de l’UE dans leurs efforts d’internationalisation de leurs activités.

India: new business opportunities for 5 sectors in post Covid-19

Impact of COVID-19 on EU businesses in India in sectors of on-going EU-India policy dialogues The on-going pandemic has significantly disrupted the global economy, including the business ecosystem for EU companies in India. Given the persisting uncertainty, processing, analysing and applying relevant information can be instrumental for businesses to effectively mitigate risks and alter their […]

Nouvelles opportunités d’affaires sur la plateforme d’Enterprise Europe Network

Nouvelles propositions d'affaires (offres et demandes) en Europe et au-delà

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