In Général, Innovation, Partenariats internationaux

Lendlease is a leading international group in the real estate sector; A2A is the largest Italian multiutility company and its core elements – energy, water, and the environment – are the levers through which the Group aims to drive the transition towards an Ecological Transition.

These 2 large accounts / multinationals have released the tech challenges here below, (technological problems to be solved) for which they expect to have solutions from European innovative start-ups / SMEs:

These 4 challenges have been issued in the framework of the 1st edition of « MATCH I.S. Light on your social innovation » which aims to promote social innovation in Lombardy by bringing together medium-large companies with social innovation needs and local and international start-ups capable of providing innovative solutions.

During MATCH I.S., start-ups will also have the opportunity to explore new financing methods through participation in meetings with national and international investors interested in social innovation projects.

If you have a potential solution to one of the above-mentioned technical problems, get in touch with Barbara Andreani – to prepare your application !

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Découvrez des opportunités d’affaires internationales au Luxembourg et en Lettonie

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Une boussole de l’UE pour regagner en compétitivité et assurer une prospérité durable

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