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EIT Crisis Response Initiative

As part of the EU’s collective efforts to tackle the COVID-19 crisis, the EIT has today launched the ‘EIT Crisis Response Initiative’ which is composed of several calls launched by the thematic KICs.

Technology & Business Cooperation Days 2020 now online

With the official cancellation of HANNOVER MESSE 2020 due to the increasingly critical corona pandemic situation, the Technology & Business Cooperation Days event will be organized as a pure online matchmaking event.

Guidance on Customs issues related to the COVID-19 emergency

As a result of the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic, questions have emerged concerning the application of customs provisions relating to the customs decision-making process, customs procedures and customs formalities.

Are you a Horizon 2020 project coordinator? Coronavirus global response – communication toolkit available

The European Commission has made a significant contribution to the Coronavirus Global Response pledge with €1 billion mobilised by Horizon 2020

Covid-19: European support and solutions

[:nl]Europa heeft verschillende maatregelen genomen om de negatieve effecten van Covid-19 te verzachten. Om u te helpen de steun te vinden die u nodig hebt, vindt u informatie over toegang tot financiering en liquiditeitsmaatregelen, platforms die verschillende belanghebbenden samenbrengen om behoeften en oplossingen te delen, alsook Europese initiatieven om de gezondheidszorg te ondersteunen.[:fr]Plusieurs mesures ont été mises en place par l’Europe pour atténuer les effets négatifs du Covid-19. Pour vous aider à trouver le support dont vous avez besoin, vous trouverez des informations sur l’accès au financement et les mesures de liquidité, des plates-formes rassemblant différents acteurs pour partager les besoins et les solutions ainsi que des initiatives européennes de soutien à l’industrie des soins de santé.

Good practices of NCP-EEN Collaboration

Enterprise Europe Brussels is mentioned as good practices in NCPs CaRE new booklet.

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