Marketing: Met wie kan ik nog contact opnemen met de AVG?

[:fr]Est-ce que prospecter serait devenue une mission impossible depuis l’entrée en vigueur du règlement relatif à la protection des données personnelles, en abrégé « RGPD » ?

Welke geldende belastingen in de EU-lidstaten?

De gegevensbank „Taxes in Europe” is de online-informatietool van de Europese Commissie waarin de belangrijkste in de EU-lidstaten geldende belastingen zijn opgenomen. Het systeem bevat informatie over ongeveer 650 belastingen die de ministeries van Financiën van de EU-lidstaten aan de Europese Commissie hebben verstrekt. Welk type informatie is beschikbaar? De „Taxes in Europe” -databank bevat […]


Kleine ondernemingen met internationale ambities blijven voorzichtig optimistisch over hun groei op korte termijn. Terwijl het optimisme over de omzet, het marktaandeel en de werkgelegenheid in het komende jaar licht daalde ten opzichte van 2018, bleven zij grotendeels in overeenstemming met de cijfers van de afgelopen twee jaar. Enterprise Europe Network gebruikte enquêtegegevens van bedrijven […]

Meet the winners of the EU-GIVE /BeShared pitching competition

Bookswap, Usitoo and Pensumo won the pitching competition organized by EU-GIVE and BeShared for their final event. On 27th November, the EU-GIVE and BeShared projects organized their final event in Brussels.  The final event consisted of a public pitching competition in front of a panel of investors notably social impact investors. Objectives of the event […]

EU-GIVE and BeShared: joint learning about the collaborative economy

The EU-GIVE and BeShared projects are coming to an end on 30th November 2019 and they are organizing a joint final event on 27th November 2019 in Brussels. This is the occasion to think about the learnings from the projects. 2 pilot projects In 2017, following an initiative from the European Parliament, the European Commission […]

EU-Singapore agreement enters into force

EU Member States endorsed the trade agreement between the EU and Singapore. The agreement enters into force as soon as 21 November. This is the European Union’s first bilateral trade agreement with a Southeast Asian country. Singapore is by far the EU’s largest trading partner in the Southeast Asian region, with total bilateral trade in […]