In Algemeen, Sustainability

The partners of “Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise (STAGE)” launched the new call of theSTAGE Grant Programmetargeting SMEs and sustainable/financial advisors. 

Through a competitive process, the STAGE Grant Programme will provide up to 25.000 € funding for SME, to support the preparation of an investment project plan and/or otheadditional services (needed for the investment plan preparation), facilitating the company’s sustainable transition. Only SMEs from EU member states or Horizon Europe Associated countries are eligible for the call. However, the STAGE platform and its other tools are open to all countries.

The grant covers up to 25.000€ (lump sum) for activities such as: preparation of an investment project plan; feasibility study; technology audit; due diligence analysis;
data collection and analysis for carbon footprint assessment; adaptation of business processes; procurement of other specialised consultancy and coaching services related to investment plan preparation.

Registration LINK – deadline 31 December 2024
For more information contact your EEB Advisor Sabrina Bijlsma

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Zoek uw zakenpartner in het buitenland voor een commerciële, outsourcing-, leveranciers- of investeringsovereenkomst.

Enterprise Europe Network is gespecialiseerd in het verbinden van bedrijven met de juiste internationale partners, het beheren van een online database van internationale zakelijke kansen met 4000 internationale zakelijke aanbiedingen of verzoeken uit 56 landen die deel uitmaken van het netwerk.

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