In Innovation

The crisis requires a response of unprecedented scale, speed and solidarity – the global research and innovation community is already mobilised but we need to do more.

Mr Jean-Eric Paquet,  Director-General at DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, sent last week the following message to the Horizon 2020 project coordinators:

“On 4 May the European Union joined forces with global partners to kick-start the Coronavirus Global Response, a worldwide pledging effort to raise €7.5 billion of funding to rapidly develop and deploy universally available and affordable diagnostics, treatments and vaccines against the coronavirus.
The opening event already raised €7.4 billion, including a significant contribution of €1 billion mobilised by Horizon 2020. This marks the role of research and innovation in the worldwide pledging marathon, which will continue in the following weeks.

Join our social media campaign and help us get the word out by using this communication toolkit.

By sharing information about this important initiative and research and innovation activities, you can help raise awareness about the need for fair and equal access to health care to fight the virus and reach, even exceed, the pledging target. ”

As a Horizon 2020 project coordinator, do not hesitate to dig into this information.

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