In Innovation

Following the objectives of the Green Deal of reducing transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050, the European Commission intends to adopt a comprehensive strategy to meet this target and ensure that the EU transport sector is fit for a clean, digital and modern economy.

The objectives include:

  • increasing the uptake of zero-emission vehicles
  • making sustainable alternative solutions available to the public & businesses
  • supporting digitalisation & automation
  • improving connectivity & access.

The draft roadmap can be found here.

Today, and until the 23 September 2020, the Commission would like to hear your views through a public consultation.

You can express your views on aspects of EU laws and policies before the Commission finalises its proposals.
All information: here

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All IN : INternationalisation & INnovation to INcrease your INcome

Tailored and free support for SMEs on access to public funding, innovation management and internationalisation In today’s competitive and complex business landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often find themselves facing numerous challenges when it comes to accessing funding, making the most out of their innovation potential, and expanding internationally. These hurdles can sometimes hinder […]

R&I related public consultation on dual-use technologies

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AI innovation package to support Artificial Intelligence startups and SMEs

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