In Innovation

In the framework of a solution found to provide more space for sessions, present more stakeholder and strengthen the social economy in Europe while waiting for the main EUSES (European Social Economy Summit) conference in 2021, next November 26th an on-line session will take place focusing on the question “ Which role plays the social economy in building a resilient and sustainable economy? “ and will include a panel discussion on the importance of SMEs in the social economy and in the recovery.

If you want to attend the panel discussion, please register at:

The ‘European Social Economy Summit’ is a jointly organized conference by the European Commission and the City of Mannheim at the 26 – 27 May 2021 in Mannheim.

Its aim is to strengthen the social economy in Europe and harness its contribution to economic development, social inclusion as well as green and digital transitions. Social economy and social enterprises create jobs, provide accessible services, foster up-skilling, address environmental challenges and strengthen communities.

Three thematic angles are suggested to frame the programme of the European Social Economy Summit:

Collaboration: Addressing today’s most pressing challenges requires developing the capacity to lead collaboratively and to effectively work across sectors and countries. 

Innovation: Social innovation is the process of developing and deploying effective new solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues in support of social progress. 

Digitalisation: Digitalisation in the Social Economy is already having a substantial impact on social and economic prospects worldwide. 

More info: Camille Lepinay

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