In Innovation

As part of the Digital Europe Program, the European Commission, together with the Member States, plans on setting up a network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in order to support the private and public sectors in their digital transformation and to disseminate the latest advances in cybersecurity, AI and HPC.

Are you eligible?

The applicants must:

  •  have at least one head office in the Brussels-Capital Region;
  •  pursue a not-for-profit objective;
  •  have fulfilled their obligations in the context of previous support initiatives allocated by the Region.

The procedure in 3 steps

  • Submit your project outline before 3 April 2020 at 2 pm.
  • A regional evaluation committee will examine your application and give you a go to work out the full project proposal.
  • A European selection will then take place in the autumn of 2020.

Good to know

The Digital Europe Program, which relies heavily on the EDIH and covers the period 2021-2027, foresees funding in the form of a grant for a duration of 3 to 7 years. Some EDIHs are thus expected to begin their activities in January 2021. It is important to underline that, for the Brussels Region, the DIH will be funded by the Region only if it is selected by the European Commission.

The European Digital Innovation Hub that receives a grant will be monitored on a regular basis (e.g. every 12 or 18 months) by the Commission, with the help of external experts, but also by the Region. The EDIH will be required to produce an activity report and a description of the extent to which they fulfil their KPI targets.

Interested? Don’t forget to register for the info session on February 4th 2020.

For more information, please contact :


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