In Innovation

Beginning this year, Enterprise Europe Brussels anticipated in an article on this web site the “soon to come” call for expression of interest for EU experts for the 2021-2027 programming period. This call is finally open!

With this call, the EC welcomes new and old experts to support the EU institutions in the  evaluation of grant applications, projects and tenders, or to provide opinions and advice in specific cases.

The EC reminds that already registered experts answering one of the previous calls for expression of interest, and having opted to be eligible for all programmes remain available in the database for current and future Programmes (e.g. Horizon Europe). Check your past options, then!

The registration page has been updated with a single opt-in for all services and programmes. This is reflected in the expert profile under data protection where expert candidates have the right to choose who can see their data exactly as in the previous period, with the settings for data protection/”who can see my data”.

If the option to work for “All programmes and sub-programmes of the above selected EU and non-EU institutions” is selected, by default you have made yourself available to all current and future programmes and no additional action is needed from your side.

The texte of the call for expression of interest (which is permanently open for the entire 2021-2027 period ) is available HERE

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