In Innovation, Sustainability

Are you working in the bioeconomy and looking for ICT solution ? Or a digital/ICT company whom solutions could apply to the bioeconomy ? You both aim at disrupting current linear value chains towards circular ones? then the DigiCirc call on bioeconomy could be relevant for you.

This is a cascade funding from the Horizon 2020 funded project DigiCirc. Open till 10 november 2021 5pm, this call looks for 15 European Consortia of at least 2 SMEs developing digital innovative solutions for the bioeconomy.

  • Pharmaceutical  (challenge 1)
  • Textiles and wearing apparel & packaging (challenge 2),
  • Building materials and construction & other forest products (challenge 3)
  • Biobased solutions for Electronics and electrical products (challenge 4) and for Machinery and equipment & motor vehicles and components (challenge 6)
  • Biomass energy and biofuels & food and feed losses and waste for composting purpose (challenge 5)

These cascading grants can be more accessible than Horizon 2020 collaborative funding or the famous but ultra competitive EIC Accelerator. For instance, beginning of 2020, BC Materials, obtained a similar grant with NCP Brussels and Enterprise Europe Brussels support.

For this call, you however need to find at least one partner in another EU Member States or Horizon 2020 Associated Country, but we can also help you for partner search (but not last minute).

The selected consortia will get 20 000 € and a acceleration programme to support the development of their projects in 12 weeks in Spring 2022. At the end of the acceleration programme, 5 consortia will get selected for a complementary grant of 100 000 €. The objective of the funding is to set up a business plan and develop a prototype in view of a commercial launch.

Make sure to read carefully the open call documentation kit on the website before applying.

Explanatory webinars will be organised by the Digicirc consortia in the coming weeks, check the website.

Contact Camille Lépinay and Benjamin Carnec for more information

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