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Hebt u problemen met reglementen of botst u op obstakels in het kader van uw activiteiten in of buiten Europa? Vindt u geen antwoorden op uw vragen over de Europese wetgeving? Ondervindt u moeilijkheden om volledig te beantwoorden aan bepaalde Europese richtlijnen?

De Kamer van Koophandel te Brussel, die deel uitmaakt van het Enterprise Europe Network, brengt de Europese Commissie op de hoogte van uw problemen, behoeften en verwachtingen ten aanzien van Europa.

Vul de onderstaande vragenlijst in om te beschrijven welk probleem de activiteiten van uw onderneming afremt, binnen de Europese interne markt of bij uw commerciële relaties met derde landen. Help ons om de reglementeringen te doen evolueren in de richting die gunstig is voor ondernemingen.

News in the Category View all news

All IN : INternationalisation & INnovation to INcrease your INcome

Tailored and free support for SMEs on access to public funding, innovation management and internationalisation In today’s competitive and complex business landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often find themselves facing numerous challenges when it comes to accessing funding, making the most out of their innovation potential, and expanding internationally. These hurdles can sometimes hinder […]

New funding opportunity for innovative products and services in zero emission vehicles

What are the E-BOOST Open Calls? E-BOOST is a Eurocluster co-funded by the European Commission under the SMP. It organises Open Calls with the overall aim to identify product innovations in order to reduce dependency on critical inputs and technologies in the E- BOOST value chains, to introduce new-to-firm products or services, and to engage […]

CBAM: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the EU’s instrument to set a fair price on carbon emitted when producing carbon-intensive goods

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