In Innovation, Sustainability

The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK) has set up an on-line open innovation platform that brings together corporates and SMEs to develop innovative, new business together.

Who is it for?

For companies who believe that innovating together leads to better solutions and healthy business.

– For large companies that are looking for creative SMEs to solve their innovation challenges.

– For SMEs who want to collaborate with large companies in solving their innovation challenges.

How does it work?

– Different challenges are presented on the online platform for 6 weeks. SMEs can enter into a direct conversation with the innovation manager of the corporate. It is an open environment, everyone sees what the others are writing.

– After 6 weeks, the discussion lines close and the corporate makes the choice of who he or she wants to meet during the Encounter. And maybe there will be a real match!

The initiative is also open to the participation of foreign entrepreneurs and some challenges are explicitly focused on international cooperation. These challenges are also published on the EEN platform.

Current challenges

The following challenges focusing on circularity are open till 12th July

Hereby an overview of some current challenges :

For more information

  1. Express interest through the Link below by clicking on “request more information” The system will ask you to create an account on the EEN platform. Please select “Agence Bruxelloise pour l’Accompagnement de l’Entreprise” as support organisation. In the next screen, you will be asked to express your interest by filling in a few questions.
  2. Create an account on the  KvK Bussiness Challenge website, look for the corresponding challenges (link sent from your EEN adviser) and create a comment to interact in the discussion. Beware that all informations published on this website are public.

For more information contact the EEB advisor: Camille Lépinay 

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