In Economy, Algemeen, Sustainability

Within the framework of its annual programme, the EC opens this roadmap on drones to describe the problem to be tackled and objectives to be met, explain why EU action is needed, outline policy options and describe the main features of the consultation strategy.

This roadmap “A Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe” is open until 02 July 2021  (midnight Brussels time).

What’s the context?

As detailed in the framing document “The development of drone (unmanned aircraft systems) services supported by a competitive industry can strongly support Europe’s twin transition to green and digital economy, and contribute to the post-COVID 19 recovery and the future resilience of the EU economy. From daily commuting, goods delivery to the proper functioning of global supply chains and the development of a wide-spectrum of new applications and data-based services, drones are an enabler of our economic and social life. The European Green Deal, as the new growth strategy for the EU, calls for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as the development of digitalisation. In this context, the transport system as a whole should be made smart and sustainable, with the use of electrically and hydrogen powered aircraft. In the Sustainable
and Smart Mobility Strategy, the Commission announced its intention to adopt a Drone Strategy 2.0 in 2022 to reap the full potential offered by drones to contribute to the safeguarding of a well-functioning single market. Drone applications can also strongly contribute to the digital transformation of many businesses contributing to Europe’s Digital Strategy targets. Promoting civil/defence synergies in this critical technology field constitutes a key enabler to achieve these objectives”

A few days are still left to provide feedback and views: the 3-page roadmap document is available HERE  and you can give your feedback HERE

The roadmap will be follwoed by a consultation planned by the EC 1st quarter 2022

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