In Algemeen

Did you know that Enterprise Europe Brussels and its participation in the network Sector Groups can bring real added value to your company?

Along with the known help and support, the Enterprise Europe Network has set up a more targeted approach for companies’ assistance via the Sector Groups, a specialized platform designed for technology transfer, R&D and commercial cooperation.

The Sector Groups are a true matching machine, since the Network experts have teamed up to provide entrepreneurs with customised support. The Network’s Sector Groups combine international business expertise in a given sector with local knowledge. They can help your business grow through tailored support and new partnerships. They also advise you on how to find partners to apply for EU-funded joint research projects.

Have a look here below at their impressive results in 2015

Enterprise Europe Brussels is member of 10 out of 17 Sector Groups and notably:

Healthcare, BioChem Tech, ICT, Sustainable Construction, Environment, Creative Industries and Intelligent Energy, services and retail, agro food, textile.

Benefits for Brussels-based companies result – among the others – in the number of collaboration agreements signed with foreign players.

Willing to learn more on the way we can provide you with a sector-related support? Feel free to contact us  or

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