In Algemeen, Innovation, Sustainability

The Transitions Performance Index (TPI) tracks EU progress toward fair and prosperous sustainability.

Belgium has scored 68,9 which corresponds to a strong transition and progressed above the EU average (6,5%). We are strong at economic, and social but bad at environmental and governance. Denmark and the Netherlands are at the top of the EU ranking. In global, the EU is a strong performer and outperforms the US and China. There is significant scope for improvement as no EU country leads across all four dimensions. In particular, there is a need to improve economic and environmental transition performance across the EU. The findings highlight the crucial role investment in research and innovation has to support the path to recovery towards fair and prosperous sustainability and is accompanied by 72 country-specific descriptions of progress made over a period of ten years, along with an interactive website allowing for country comparison.

The performance of the EU Members States and 45 others were assessed between 2010 & 2019 in the four sustainability dimensions (economic, social, environmental and governance). The main results of the index can be found here.

Check Belgium report here and the interactive Transitions Performance Index here. Here is a summary of our ranking:

  • TPI rank: 13 (14 in 2011)
  • Economic transition rank: 12 (13 in 2011)
  • Social transition rank: 11 (13 in 2011)
  • Environmental transition rank: 33 (41 in 2011)
  • Governance transition rank: 20 (26 in 2011)

TPI helps us identify the areas where priority action is needed to facilitate the fourfold transition.

Is your company on the right track? Are you willing to improve its sustainability performance? Enterprise Europe Brussels can help you with its brand-new Sustainability Services. Contact and book an appointment with your Network Advisor!

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