DroneDays 2021 B2B & Conferences : the 6th edition is over and these are the first results

Last Friday 26th November, the one-day event took place, providing participants with B2B opportunities and interesting conferences. Here a first stock of the initiative so far

EIB Social Innovation Tournament

Are you a social entrepreneur with a very innovative project? Then apply to this tournament by 1st March 2021 to benefit from supports from the European Investment Bank and try to win a monetary prize.

Collaboration with Solifin

By collaborating with Solifin, Enterprise Europe Brussels helps entrepreneurs to both access finance and foster sustainability, killing two birds with one stone. Why? Sustainability is with digitalisation one of the core pillar and leverage of the EU industrial Strategy and SME strategy. This is why supporting the sustainability transition has become a key priority for […]

A new SME strategy for Europe

The EU Commission presented on 11th March a dedicated strategy for SMEs aiming to reduce red tape and help Europe's numerous SMEs to do business across the single market and beyond, access financing and help lead the way on the digital and green transitions.