Dernière Activité

Comment identifier et rencontrer efficacement des partenaires potentiels à l’international ?

Identifier un partenaire potentiel à l’international et obtenir un premier rendez-vous nécessite une bonne préparation. Participer à des évènements tels qu’une mission commerciale, un salon, ou un évènement de matchmaking B2B, peuvent vous aider à rencontrer des prospects ciblés. Les matchmaking events organisés par Enterprise Europe Network vous permettent de rencontrer un maximum de prospects qualifiés dans un temps limité.

Are you looking for funding for transnational cooperation initiatives ? The Interreg programme may be for you!

The 5th Interreg North-West Europe call for projects is now open until Thursday 16 January 2025 at 12:00 CET (11:00 UTC+1). Thematic priorities and funded activities This call covers nine priorities, including the themes « Circular Economy« , but also « Innovation and Resilience » and many more. Applicants propose their own activities according to their problem, but as […]

Have a say on the next EU funding for companies by 20 October 2024!

DG BUDG is collecting input from businesses and organisations about their experience in accessing EU funding. Such feedback is crucial to make the funding process smoother and more effective and a good opportunity to pass on your experiences and difficulties.

EU Trade policy helps EU companies to grow

EU trade covered by trade agreements has risen by over 30% over the past five years highlight the report on the implementation and enforcement of EU trade policy.

EU Commission to register imports of all products under trade defence investigations in bid to fight unfair competition

The European Commission decided to register all imports of products under anti-dumping or anti-subsidy investigations, including ongoing investigations where provisional determinations have not yet been made. 

Discover international business opportunities with Enterprise Europe Network

Each month, Enterprise Europe Brussels handpicks a selection of international business opportunities that could align with your needs.

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