Enterprise Europe Network gère la plus grande base de données en ligne d’opportunités d’affaires en Europe.

Our customised support to the sustainable development of your business
Our customised support to the sustainable development of your business

Did you konw that since January 2022, you can count on Enterprise Europe Brussels’ advisors c/o to get customised support on the sustainability challenges your company faces evry day. Enterprise Europe Brussels’ advisors can guide you to : First, your advisors analyse your current level of sustainability in order to properly adapt to your […]

02-03/11/23 on-line B2B and B2G @ Smart Cities Challenges 2023, Barcelona
02-03/11/23 on-line B2B and B2G @ Smart Cities Challenges 2023, Barcelona

B2B and B2G on-line meetings, from 00h00 to 24h00

E-BOOST project opening several new funding opportunities linked to electro-mobility
E-BOOST project opening several new funding opportunities linked to electro-mobility

On 1st September, the E-BOOST consortium opened a wave of calls for proposals targeting SMEs in the electro-mobility sector. First of all is the “Innovation Support Services” call. The E-BOOST consortium is offering Innovation Support Services Lump sum for start-ups, SMEs and Small mid-caps from the electromobility sector. Applicants can submit a proposal to fund […]

Are you a digital technological player with market-oriented tools? Then these opportunities to make business via tech challenges are for you!
Are you a digital technological player with market-oriented tools? Then these opportunities to make business via tech challenges are for you!

Your SME is a digital technological player ? Then seize the opportunity to stand out of the crowd !

The deployment of innovative technologies supported by €4.8 billion via 2 upcoming calls for proposals
The deployment of innovative technologies supported by €4.8 billion via 2 upcoming calls for proposals

If you are active in industry or are a clean tech player, then do not miss the forthcoming calls that the Innovation Fund will open next 23/11/2023. What’s the Innovation Fund? The Innovation Fund  is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. It will contribute to greenhouse gas […]

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Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Brussels est le point de contact local d’Enterprise Europe Network pour les entreprises bruxelloises. L’équipe des experts du réseau au sein de et de BECI-Chambre de Commerce de Bruxelles offre des services personnalisés aux entreprises bruxelloises pour les aider à innover et à s’internationaliser.

Une plateforme pour entrer en relation avec des partenaires internationaux
  • Des milliers d’offres et de demandes de sociétés à la recherche de coopérations d’affaires, technologiques et de recherche.
  • Avec le support d’Enterprise Europe Brussels, vous pouvez diffuser le profil de votre entreprise et votre proposition d’affaires, et recevoir de nouvelles demandes ou offres de coopération.

Dernière Activité Voir toutes les actualités

Trouvez votre partenaire commercial à l’étranger pour un accord commercial, d’outsourcing, de fournisseur ou d’investissement.

Enterprise Europe Network se spécialise dans la connexion des entreprises avec les bons partenaires internationaux, la gestion d'une base de données en ligne des opportunités d'affaires internationales avec 4000 offres ou demandes d'affaires internationales de 56 pays faisant partie du réseau.

15-16.10.2024 European Angel Investment Summit in Brussels

Pitch at the European Angel Investment Summit on 15-16 October 2024 in Brussels! Early-stage start-ups seeking investment funding and acceleration opportunities seize your opportunity to pitch directly to top business angels and early-stage investors during the European Angel Investment Summit 2024 on 15-16 October in Brussels. Start-up applications for #EAIS24 are now open! Don’t let […]

Les principaux enseignements du Market Access Day 2024

L'objectif du Market Access Day est d'informer les exportateurs sur les opportunités et les défis des différents accords commerciaux de l'UE.

événements Voir tous les événements

8-9.10.2024 – EventX Life Sciences – Crossroads in healthcare

8 octobre, 2024
Florence returns to host an international event in the life sciences, EventX Life Sciences – Crossroads in healthcare (EventX LS), a crossroads between research, clinical, market, innovation and health. In the scenic spaces of the Stazione Leopolda, on October 8 and 9 2024, healthcare stakeholders will explore partnering opportunities and discuss technological approaches and solutions […]

19-22.10.2024 – Business meetings SIAL Paris 2024

19 octobre, 2024
Business meetings entre acheteurs et fournisseurs au SIAL, Salon international de l'alimentaire à Paris.

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