In Algemeen

EU OSHA has published a new EU guidance ‘COVID-19: BACK TO THE WORKPLACE – Adapting workplaces and protecting workers’

The COVID-19 crisis is putting pressure on employers and workers. Once the physical distancing measures achieve a sufficient reduction in COVID-19 transmission rates, national administrations are authorising a gradual resumption of work activities.

Appropriate preventive measures help to achieve a safe and healthy return to work and contribute to suppressing transmission of COVID-19. EU-OSHA has produced occupational safety and health EU guidance to help in this process.

Read and share the EU guidance COVID-19: Back to the workplace: Adapting workplaces and protecting workers

Link for version in different languages

Check out our practical tips for home-based telework and protect your health

In the current context of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of European workers are forced to work from home full-time to cut down the risk of contracting the virus. A new reality that can take its toll on our health. Long periods of sedentary work, lack of physical exercise, working in isolation, blurring boundaries between paid work and private life and stress are some of the risks associated with telework that may have an impact on the musculoskeletal and mental health of workers.




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