In Algemeen

DG GROW has published an open consultation to gather feedback for an interim evaluation of the Single Market Programme  2021-2027

The aim of this consultation is to help the EU Commission improve its EU support measures for single market and SME’s.

The objective of the consultation is to provide the stakeholders with an opportunity to express their views on – and experience of – the Single Market Programme measures in order to collect information and expertise to reach an evidence-based and measured judgement on how well the programme has performed over the evaluated timeframe.

Target audience:

  • project beneficiaries (that received funding under the programme);
  • beneficiaries of support services co-funded by the SMP, especially SMEs;
  • business and consumer organisations, enterprises, and NGOs where relevant;
  • private consultants and business-support organisations that provided support with applications;

Link to the survey

Deadline: 24/06/2024

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