In Algemeen

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a partnership for health research and innovation between the EU (funded through Horizon Europe) and Europe’s life science industries. Scientists from academia, diverse industry sectors, SMEs, mid-sized companies, hospitals and patients’ organisations are encouraged to get involved. The IHI holds regular calls for proposals and you can sign up to the IHI newsletter here.

IHI Call 5 closes soon (mid-January) but the IHI has preannounced the call topics for Call 6 and 7; the online matchmaking platform has been updated to include these calls.

IHI call 6 (two-stage)

IHI call 7 (single-stage)

The IHI has recently announced a series of info sessions and pitching sessions between 10 and 25 January. Registration is open, and if you would like to submit an idea to pitch during the live session then you must register your idea by 12 Jan and submit your presentation by 19 Jan – see this further information on the pitching sessions.

Finally, don’t forget that if you have an idea for a future IHI call topic then you can suggest ideas for potential future funding call topics to the IHI.

Interested in submitting an IHI project? Contact your EEB Health Advisor Emilie Fonck

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