In Algemeen, Innovation

As integral part of the Research Day in memory of prof. Umberto Veronesi, the Regional Government of the Lombardy Region (Italy) establishes the “Lombardia è Ricerca” International Prize. The prize is aimed at publicly recognize the commitment and talent of people who – through their research, discoveries and inventions – made a significant contribution in the scientific advancement and technological knowledge in the field of Life Sciences.

The Prize awards a fundamental discovery, research, or invention with tangible results in the broad field of ” INNOVATIVE MODELS OF CARE, THERAPY AND PREVENTION”. Specific eligible topics are:

  • Gene and/or cell therapy;
  • Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering for the generation of organs and tissues;
  • Molecular target therapies;
  • Biological markers for screening and assessment of disease severity;
  • New therapeutic options based on digital technologies;
  • Integration of “omics” technologies with clinical data for understanding disease mechanisms;
  • Innovative solutions to make treatments and therapies accessible and available to all citizens, in urban and non-urban areas;
  • Clinical decision support systems.

The Prize is worth 1Million € and is covered entirely by the Lombardy Regional Government; it can be assigned to a single active scientist or a research group up to 3people.


The evaluation of the applications is entrusted to an international Jury, made up of 15 top scientists selected from those with the highest H-index in each of the most relevant areas for the theme “Innovative models of care, therapy, prevention”.


Self-nominations are not allowed for the “Lombardia è Ricerca” International Award. Nominations can be submitted by all scientists of any nationality present in the Scopus database with an “H-index” of at least 10.

More info and Applications’ rules : HERE

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