Long-term competitiveness of the EU: looking beyond 2030
In a fast-changing and unpredictable world, the EU must strive to secure prosperity and maintain its competitiveness. To ensure that European businesses flourish, the Commission has developed a long-term strategy, looking beyond 2030, to boost competitiveness and productivity.
Why should your business become more sustainable?
For Europe to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, European regulation is strengthening the sustainability requirements for companies and economic and financial actors.
Cascade funding: what’s in for start-ups, scale-ups, SME and/or mid-caps?
Even tough we introduced the principle of a cascade funding scheme, Enterprise Europe Brussels wants to add a few lines to "dejargonise" the concept and help the potential beneficiaries to easily catch what's in for them via these calls.
Calls for proposals Life 2023: 611 miljoen euro aan Europese financiering om groene ideeën om te zetten in projecten
Het Europees LIFE-financieringsprogramma helpt bedrijven projecten, producten, technologieën, diensten en processen op het gebied van milieu- en klimaatbescherming te ontwikkelen.
Up to 30.000€ for SMEs working in Mobility, Transport & Automotive ecosystem to implement innovation projects on green and digital transition
A cascading funding call which provides financial support to European SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies in the above-mentioned sectors
Global Gateway, een Europese strategie om de banden met derde landen te versterken door investeringen in infrastructuur in digitaal, energie, vervoer, gezondheidszorg en onderwijs.
Het in 2021 door de Europese Commissie gelanceerde Global Gateway-initiatief heeft tot doel investeringen in infrastructuur in partnerlanden in Azië, Latijns-Amerika, Afrika en de buurlanden van Europa op het gebied van digitale, energie en vervoer te ontwikkelen en gezondheids-, onderwijs- en onderzoekssystemen te versterken.
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