In Algemeen

On 26 January 2024, the European Commission published its “Transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem” (link). Initially introduced by the 2021 EU Industrial Strategy, the transition pathway was designed as a co-creation process between the European Commission, EU countries’ authorities, industry and stakeholders, to help identify the green and digital transition’s main challenges and opportunities as well as possible forward-looking solutions and commitments for the mobility ecosystem.

Together with stakeholders, the Commission will work toward a successful green and digital transition of the European mobility industrial ecosystem by:

  • Enhancing sustainable competitiveness
  • Strengthening supply chains
  • Accelerating digitalization
  • Safeguarding a level playing field
  • Accelerating zero-emission, connected and automated vehicles
  • Supporting new business models and investments
  • Ensuring affordable mobility and a fair and just transition

On 29 February 2024, the Commission will hold a roundtable event in Brussels with all interested parties to kickstart co-implementation. The event is going to be the occasion to present and discuss the transition pathway for the mobility ecosystem co-created with the industry and civil society. At the same time, the event will also kick-start the co-implementation process with a call for stakeholders’ pledges to underpin the actions of the transition pathway. This event is in-person and open to the public.

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