In Algemeen, Innovation

How does it work?

STIB, CIRB, and bruxelles mobilité are joining forces to bring the future into the present and support the pedestrian mode with Big Data solutions. The objective is to develop an automated pedestrian monitoring system for the outdoor and indoor counting, positioning & routing and influencing of people flow. It is going to be tested in a living lab at the very heart of Brussels, the Muntplein / Place de la Monnaie..

This innovative project combines outdoor and indoor monitoring of people flow (in one single system). There will be different business models supported for different types of end-users, so a smart data access is foreseen.

The gathered data, which represents the volume of pedestrians or people in an area, has many applications and can be used amongst others to encourage the pedestrian mode, to improve combined mobility, to steer people´s flow, to monitor and evaluate the impact of events, and as an input for emergency response planning.

Budget :

The project of 460.000€ is going to be assigned by the Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) method.

More information is available on the website / Enterprise Europe Brussels helps the consortium to find relevant entities (SMEs, startups, research centres…) and will support Brussels-based companies to participate

Open consultations : 

Public buyers would be keen to hear your voice to better shape the tender.
Hence they have launched:
– A technology vendors consultation to explore tech possibilities : click here
– A data users consultation to increase the added value for the users : click here

Contacts : 

Virginia Gomez Oñate –

Benjamin Carnec –

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