In Algemeen

What are your views on future activities and research for accelerating the implementation of personalized medicine approaches?

Are you a scientist, healthcare professional, patient, citizen, policy advisor, or an individual working in the pharma industry and biotech?

Your input is very valuable! Share them in this survey:

Access the open consultation through this link until 21 December 2022. (takes around 30 min to complete)

The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is currently in preparation. The outcome of the online consultation will be considered for the SRIA finalization (02/2023) and the EP PerMed proposal (04/2023) as well as for developing activities and calls within the EP PerMed lifetime (Q4/2023-2030).

Your participation will help contribute to future activities and strategies in personalized medicine.

The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine is one of the European research and innovation partnerships under Horizon Europe which will be dedicated to maximizing the benefits of personalized medicine (PM) approaches. The core of the partnership is to invest in multidisciplinary, transnational research (basic, clinical, and translational) and innovation activities that will build and disseminate new knowledge, develop new technologies and methods, as well as supporting testing and piloting the implementation of PM approaches. The partnership will work in close collaboration with other health partnerships and reach out to national, regional, and international initiatives and frameworks to ensure synergies and investments of scale. In addition, the partnership will include supportive activities contributing to policy, regulatory science, and strengthening the field of health economics.

Want to know more about the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine? Go here.

Would you like more information on European Health-related Partnerships? Contact our colleague

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