Get financial support to replace hazardous substances in your products with Belgium Builds Back Circular

Do you want to replace hazardous substances in your products? Are you looking for financial support? In this case, apply for the 3rd Belgium Builds Back Circular (BBBC) call for projects!

European funding dedicated to SMEs in e-health and digital health market

European funfing dedicated to SMEs in e-health

Funding opportunities for civil tech & defence-related companies

If you participated in the EDF info days last June, you should already be aware. If not, a quick selection of calls for proposals

Migration of results from civil EU-funded R&D programmes to the defence sector : a way to expand business 

EUDIS - EU Defence Innovation Scheme - is built around a series of support measures to help European innovative companies bring their ideas to defence end-users.

The Brussels Capital Region: a leader in European Innovation

Eager to boost your innovation performance in Brussels? The annual European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) provides a comparative assessment of the research and innovation performance of EU Member States and selected third countries and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. It helps countries assess areas in which they need to concentrate […]

€100 million for innovative solutions to tackle health threats with HERA Invest

Financed by the EU4Health programme, HERA Invest is a €100 million top-up to the InvestEU programme to support research and development (R&D) in the most pressing cross-border health threats.