Find your business partner abroad for a commercial, outsourcing, supplier or investment agreement.

Enterprise Europe Network specializes in connecting businesses with the right international partners, managing an online database of international business opportunities with 4000 international business offers or requests from 56 countries part of the Network.

Main insights of the Market Access Day 2024

The aim of the Market Access Day is to inform exporters about the opportunities and challenges of the various EU trade agreements.

All IN : INternationalisation & INnovation to INcrease your INcome

Tailored and free support for SMEs on access to public funding, innovation management and internationalisation In today’s competitive and complex business landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often find themselves facing numerous challenges when it comes to accessing funding, making the most out of their innovation potential, and expanding internationally. These hurdles can sometimes hinder […]

Do not miss the cascade funding for your company!

There's still EU funding to grasp for for your SME / start-up / scale-up for training, innovation, international development in specific target countries, market studies...

Success stories of European companies entering global markets with the support of EEN International Network Partners in non EU countries.

Enterprise Europe Network is present in 29 non EU countries with local business support organisations part of the Network as International Network Partners. They provide valuable support to EU companies looking for information, advice and contacts in their non EU target countries. Have a look on some success stories and achievements reached by EU companies in non EU countries.

Online business support for EU service exporters to Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the UK

Access2Markets portal provides online business support to service exporters covering one hundred services sectors across four of the EU’s key trading partners: Canada, Japan, Switzerland, and the UK.

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