The LIFE Programme of the European Commission has launched its 2018 call for proposals. This year’s call has close to EUR 400 million to fund projects in the fields of environment & resource efficiency, climate action and nature & biodiversity conservation.
Green opportunities
If you are looking for opportunities to enter a new market or to turn previous research into green business opportunities, the LIFE programme is for you!
LIFE supports projects that are either tackling climate change or protecting nature and the environment. The financial support provided by the LIFE programme helps these research projects or innovative technologies to reach their market potential and start commercialisation.
Types of projects and key deadlines
Applicants can submit proposals to Traditional or Integrated Projects.
Most LIFE funded projects are so-called Traditional Projects that can be coordinated by any legal entity in the EU. Larger-scale Integrated Projects implement strategic EU plans on the environment and the climate, on a large territorial scale (regional, multi-regional, national or trans-national scope).
The key deadlines to keep in mind for potential applicants this year are:
12 June 2018: concept notes for Environment & Resource Efficiency sub-programme
14 June 2018: concept notes for Nature & Biodiversity sub-programme
5 September 2018: concept notes for Integrated Projects
12 September 2018: concept notes for Climate Action sub-programme
Simplified application process
A novelty in this year’s application procedure is a two-stage approach. This approach was introduced in the Environment & Resource Efficiency sub-programme only, and aims to simplify the application process, especially for private sector applicants.
Under this new approach, applicants will initially submit a short concept note of maximum 10 pages, explaining their innovative idea. The deadline for this is 12 June 2018.
In the second stage, the highest-ranking applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Checklists and guidelines
Check the list of tips for projects that are working on a commercial solution and could apply with a close-to-market proposal.
Read the 2018 Guidelines for Applicants to Traditional and Integrated Projects.
Watch the video stream of the LIFE Networking Day that took place on 4 May 2018.
Contact your LIFE national contact point for additional support. Enterprise Europe Network Brussels can also give a 1st advice on the eligibility of projects of Brussels enterprises and help them to apply.
Info : Jean-Philippe Mergen – Tel : 02 210 01 77 – e-mail :