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The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) opens new horizons for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Thanks to the entry of Uruguay in June 2020, European and Uruguayan SMEs will have a brand new range of opportunities to explore.

Enterprise Europe Network Uruguay
Enterprise Europe Network Uruguay is the new Business Cooperation Centre established in Uruguay.

It comprises:

The National Development Agency (ANDE)
ANDE is an institution that promotes the development of the country through programs that seek to improve business and territorial competitiveness, with emphasis on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. It integrates the National System of Productive Transformation and Competitiveness.

ANDE’s purpose is to contribute to productive economic development, in a sustainable way, with social equity and environmental and territorial balance.

The National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Uruguay (CNCS)
The CNCS represents the Uruguayan private sector companies and institutions across the country, together with regional and sectorial corporations. It promotes the development of Uruguay in all economic dimensions – social and territorial – through the generation of proposals that consistently improve the sector’s competitiveness and technological development. It also encourages specific projects to strengthen the domestic and international markets.

To carry out this mission, CNCS builds up on its experience and ability to work with SMEs in the Latin America and European regions.

CNCS offers a set of tools and programs designed to support companies wanting to start the export process or seeking to increase their sales in new markets. Its services include information, training, advising, coaching and support services.

The Chamber of Industries of Uruguay (CIU)
The CIU is the national industry business association. It represents the interests of the national industry since 1898 before public and private organisations at a national and international level.

CIU guides and facilitates the insertion of its members in the international markets by providing them with tailored services.

A strategic asset in Latin America
The Enterprise Europe Network Uruguay offers access to market intelligence, partnering opportunities, and innovation support for European SMEs looking for business opportunities in Uruguay, and vice versa for Uruguayan SMEs.

The important growth of the country in the last decade is associated with the strong increase in investment. In Uruguay, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has reached record levels. This has allowed the country to position itself among the main recipients of FDI, in terms of GDP in South America.

Uruguay is a country with a history of political, democratic and social stability, and macroeconomic strength, which creates the right environment to develop successful investments.

The strategic location as a gateway to the region offers the perfect springboard to Latin America. Uruguay offers first-class logistics infrastructure, state-of-the-art telecommunications technology and the best energy offer in Latin America based on renewable sources.

It’s time for you to act!
Discover the new opportunities offered by the Enterprise Europe Network Uruguay!

For any enquiries, EU-based SMEs should contact the local Enterprise Europe Network partner in their own country first (for Brussels based companies contact the Brussels contact point) who will then get in touch with the Network member in Uruguay for support.

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