Dans Général

EU4Health is the fourth and largest of the EU Health Programmes since their inception in 2003, with a budget of €5.3 billion.
It is EU’s response to COVID-19, which has had a major impact on medical and healthcare staff, patients and health systems in Europe. By investing €5.3 billion, therefore becoming the largest health programme ever in monetary terms, EU4Health will provide funding to EU countries, health organisations and NGOs. Funding will be open for applications in 2021.

Areas of action

EU4Health will:

  • boost EU’s preparedness for major cross border health threats by creating
    • reserves of medical supplies for crises
    • a reserve of healthcare staff and experts that can be mobilised to respond to crises across the EU
    • increased surveillance of health threats
  • strengthen health systems so that they can face epidemics as well as long-term challenges by stimulating
    • disease prevention and health promotion in an ageing population
    • digital transformation of health systems
    • access to health care  for vulnerable groups
  • make medicines and medical devices available and affordable, advocate the prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials as well as promote medical and pharmaceutical innovation and greener manufacturing.

European Commission’s health priorities

Our work on urgent health priorities such as the fight against cancer, reducing the number of antimicrobial-resistant infections and improving vaccination rates will also be boosted.
The EU will expand successful initiatives like the European Reference Networks for rare diseases and continue to pursue international cooperation on global health threats and challenges.

The 2021 Work Programme of EU4Health will be further explained on July 13th during the Info Session.

For more information, contact Emilie Fonck – EEB Advisor for Health.

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