Dans Général

Your competitors are using innovation as a driver for growth and competitiveness, stay tuned!

Keeping your company at the edge of competition is one of the main issue for you as an entrepreneur, whatever the activity domain. Innovation is strongly believed to play an important role in enabling economic growth and building the foundation of a company’s future competitiveness.

In order to support Brussels-based companies in their growth and internationalisation process Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o impulse.brussels offers customised services allowing them to take the most out of their innovation activities.


Benefit from external advice in order to:
•    Take stock of where your company stands now and where it wants to be in the future
•    Identify your company’s strength and weaknesses
•    Establish how innovation-oriented your company is
•    Bring your company’s innovation capabilities to the next level
•    Become more competitive
•    Take decisions based on facts and priority areas for improvement
•    Challenge your company’s vision and objectives
•    Maximize impact generated by your innovation activities and boost the growth of your company


The Assessment
One initial assessment workshop (1/2 day) carried together with the company with the aim to perform a diagnosis of how the company manages innovation. One analysis workshop (2 hours), facilitated by your innovation and business expert from Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o impulse.brussels, to present the results and recommendations to the Management of the company.

The implementation
The most important part of this service, is the implementation of the actions. Depending on the type of actions taken on board by the Company, the additional time spent together with the innovation expert from impulse.brussels may vary from 2 to 8 days in addition to the Assessment.

Type of support you may expect from our innovation experts, usually delivered in the format of workshops with a facilitator purpose:

•    Innovation Strategy
•    Strategic Partnerships
•    Design-driven innovation
•    Problem-solving skills
•    Idea management
•    Definition of innovation-related KPIs

All the facilitators are certified by the European Commission and dedicated to each beneficiary of this service during the whole accompaniment, from the assessment analysis to the action plan implementation. The self-assessment tools that are used are compliant with EU standards (TS 16555).


They must:
•    Have at least 1 innovative product/service/technology on the market,
•    Have a minimum of 10 employees
•    Be looking and open for support to maximize the potential from their innovation activities to boost their growth.

Cost: The service is free of charge for selected companies. Estimated real cost: approximately 3000€, funded by the European Commission

How to participate: 
1. Fill this form and request a meeting with an EEN innovation expert
2. Send a presentation of your company


Your contacts at Enterprise Europe Brussels :

Barbara AndreaniFrédéric SucheElena AngioliniBenjamin Carnec

bandreani@hub.brussels – fsuche@hub.brussels – eangiolini@hub.brussels – bcarnec@hub.brussels

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