Dans Général, Internationalisation, Innovation, Partenariats internationaux, matchmaking

MWC Open Innovation Challenge 2023 is a B2B international meetings event between: corporations, investors and solution/technology providers.

Large corporations such as Sony, Astra Zeneca, EDF, IKEA, Samsung, Alstom, Deutsche Bahn, HP, Hyundai, IBM, Renault, LG (to name but a few) are looking for innovative suppliers to answer specific challenges. You will find the list of the challenges HERE.

From February 27th to March 1st will be only physical meetings between corporates/investors and technology providers. Physical meetings will take place in the venue of MWC/4YFN congress in Barcelona. Other meetings will be online on separate days between March 6th and 10th.

How to participate?

  1. Register HERE and complete your profile
  2. Choose if you want to have physical meetings, online meetings or both.
  3. The physical meetings will be organised at MWC happening in Barcelona.

Participation is free of charge. If you have any question please contact bcarnec@hub.brussels.

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