Dans Internationalisation

Last year, starting from April 2023, the Enterprise Europe Brussels team published several articles on this web site highlighting the existing funding coming from EU running projects and targeting SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups.

We refer to the cascade funding as explained HERE, covering different economic sectors and supporting the sustainable transition as well.

Game is NOT over !

Some projets distributing cascade funding still have open opportunities for the electromobility / transport sector (E-BOOST) , Mobility, Transport and Automotive ecosystem for international travel, training or coaching (RESIST), Energy Intensive Industries (INGENIOUS).

Willing to optmise your chances?

Ask info and support to:

Camille Dehestru – cdehestru@hub.brussels

Sabrina Bijlsma – sbijlsma@hub.brussels

Barbara Andreani – bandreani@hub.brussels

Credits image: EISMEA

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