Dans Général, Partenariats internationaux, matchmaking

The European action HNN3.0 together with the European Commission, Enterprise Europe Network and NCP WideraNet is organizing the next Horizon Europe Brokerage Event on the 2023 Cluster 1 Health and Mission Cancer calls for proposals.

The focus of the event is on the 2023 calls as part of the second round of calls of the Framework Programme Horizon Europe.

The Brokerage Event was launched on 20 January 2023 consecutively to the Cluster 1 Health INFODAY on January 19th.

From now on, you can join the online platform until 24 April and take this opportunity to find or join a consortium. The event is organized via the online features of B2match system. This means you will be able to have your face-to-face meetings with potential future partners from wherever you are currently working.

Don’t miss the opportunity to get involved in the next Horizon Europe 2023 Health proposals!

This international partnering event helps you build your consortium for the upcoming 2023 calls of the 2023-2024 Health and Mission Cancer Work Programmes.

Why participate

  • Get all information needed on the upcoming Horizon Europe calls in the Cluster Health Work Programme.
  • Meet potential partners from Europe and beyond and start building your consortium.

Target audience

Any applicant eligible to Horizon Europe calls: companies, universities, research and technology organizations, public sector, NGOs, hospitals, patients associations…

Participation in the event is free of charge!

Registration closes on 24 April here

Your Network Advisor contact for this event is Emilie Fonck.

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