Dans Général, Internationalisation

Would you like to make the most of government procurement opportunities in Canada? Let us hear from you!

Take part in this 3-minute survey to identify the needs of European companies – most notably SMEs – interested in bidding for contracts in Canada.

In April 2021, the Delegation of the EU to Canada will offer free training sessions to European companies to discuss public procurement opportunities in Canada, and showcase practical tips and best practices shared by Canadian experts.

The feedback gathered in this short pre-event survey will be used to tailor the content of the training sessions to participants’ needs, and to maximise the training’s benefits.

Do not miss this opportunity! Thanks to the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union, government procurement opportunities in Canada are more open than ever to bids from European companies.

The Delegation of the EU to Canada has taken a series of initiatives to promote the policy dialogue on government procurement. Most notably, it has supported the publication of two practical guides on government procurement in Canada, to the attention of European companies:

– How EU Businesses Can Take Advantage of Public Procurement Opportunities in Canada under the CETA. A Practical Business Guide (January 2020)

– European Union Guide to Canadian Government Procurement (with a focus on provinces – September 2020).

Fill in the 3-minute survey


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