In Général, Partenariats internationaux, matchmaking

In the frame of the collaboration between Enterprise Europe Network and Ideal-IST, the network of National Contact Points for ICT research, you are invited to participate in a brokerage event with pre-arranged online Face2Face meetings until 29 March 2023. 

This event is ongoing and online. It complements the Information Day Event on Horizon Europe Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry & Space.

Who can participate?
Representatives of companies, universities and research institutes worldwide working in the ICT sector, are interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration partners.

Main topics
The call topics indicated in the brokerage system refer to the published version of the Cluster 4 Work Programme.

PLEASE NOTE: as « Digital » is present across all pillars of Horizon Europe, other collaboration opportunities can be explored, as well. If you would like to find partners for other areas, please have a look at the full list of Horizon Europe information & brokerage events

Registration is open till 29 March 2023 HERE

Take this opportunity to reach out and involve new actors in your research and innovation process.

The consortia launch open calls for third parties, who may receive funding and other forms of support, and engage with dynamic European digital ecosystems.

More info: Barbara Andreani ( and Benjamin Carnec (

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