INSTAND-NGS4P is a Horizon 2020 Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project for improving cancer patient’s benefit from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) by developing an integrated and standardized NGS workflow.
For this, it will compile information from cancer gene testing, pharmacogenetics testing and e-medication in proper presentation to medical doctors for supporting therapy decision making at bedside widely applicable in health systems.
The EU-co-funded PCP project provides funding for a public consortium to define unmet medical and technical needs based on an Open Market Consultation, which lays the foundation for a call for tenders addressing solution providers (companies) to develop their products to better meet user needs. At three cut-off periods, companies responding to this call will be evaluated regarding their ability to answer these users’ needs from design perspective until the product phase. The total funding allocated to companies for product development (in total 8.55 M€) will finally lead to two integrated standardized NGS workflows, including decision support.
The Open Market Consultation will be a virtual meeting on March 22nd and 23rd.
More information on the website of the project:
Contact person at EEB: Emilie Fonck