PITCCH aims to promote an Open Innovation network where technology centres and other innovation agent act as intermediary to facilitate the establishment of structured collaborations between Big Corporations, as technology seekers, and SMEs/Startups as technology provider.
The first seven PITCCH Open Innovation opportunities in advanced technologies have just been announced. SMEs and Startups are now invited to reply to those PITCCH challenges by proposing a solution based on advanced technologies.
The deadline for the submission of the first stage of the call for proposals is on the 1st of March 2021.
The selected SME or Startup per Challenge will receive €25,000.00 for the implementation of innovation activities related to the collaborative project and up to 40h free consultancy services from the PITCCH consortium.
Big Corporation, Challenge Title, Technology sought for:
- APTIV, Eye See Glasses – Remote Support, Digital technologies;
- EFACEC, Smart Digital Transformer Management Solution, Digital technologies/Micro&Nano-electronics;
- P&G, Plastic-free recyclable packaging liquid, Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology;
- REPSOL, Bio-indole for gasoline octane booster, Industrial Biotechnology;
- SAINT-GOBAIN, Tile Grout as a ceramic, Advanced Materials;
- SIEMENS ENERGY, Climate-friendly process steam supply, Energy technologies;
- SPIE, Odyssee: Open Data systems for the building environment, Digital Technologies.
More information about the challenges: https://pitcch.eu/challenges/
To have access to the full Challenges description and to respond to a Challenge, an SME or Startup should register on the PITCCH Open Innovation Platform.
In order to apply, the SME or Startup shall comply with the EU definition of SME, and shall be a single company (not a consortium).
Information on the Rules and Conditions can be found here.
Results of the first stage will be communicated on the 15th of March. Selected SMEs and Startups will be invited to participate to the second stage of the application which consists in the submission of the full stage proposal. A PITCH Day will be then organised by the Big Corporation to select the final SME or Startup to start the Open Innovation collaboration.
The collaborative project will have a duration of 6 months.