EASA publishes Research Agenda 2022-2024 – Civil drones have their topics

Yesterday EASA (the European Union Aviation Safety Agency) has published n updating of the research topics' list, in the field of of aviation safety, security, environmental protection and public health risks.

“A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe” adopted

The EC adopted yesterday the "Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe", closing works started in 2014 to build the foundations of a comprehensive EU policy in the field of drones

Zoek een zakenpartner in het buitenland

Enterprise Europe Network beheert Europa’s grootste online database van zakelijke kansen. Het nieuwe platform voor partnermogelijkheden van Enterprise Europe Network helpt u bij het vinden van een partner in het buitenland voor uw bedrijf.

Call for proposals to green the processes and activities of SMEs in the social economy

Last November 9th the EC published a call for proposal on greening social economy SMEs and entrepreneurs in the proximity and social economy ecosystem through transnational co-operation