In Algemeen

The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on what the new product priorities under the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) should be.

The aim is to make products on the EU market increasingly sustainable, by enabling far-reaching performance and information requirements – eco-design – to be set on a wide range of them to improve their circularity, energy performance, and other sustainability aspects. Rules under ESPR will be laid down on a product-by-product basis or on the basis of groups of products with enough similar characteristics. It has been estimated that up to 80% of all environmental impacts are determined during the design phase of products. This holds for all products and for their whole life cycle.

As part of the general public, authorities, industry stakeholders, academics, NGOs, and standardization bodies, both within and outside the EU, what do you think the priorities should be under this future regulation?

The Commission would like to hear your views!

Participate here – Deadline: 25 April 2023

Commission adoption of this regulation is foreseen for the first quarter of 2024. Your input will be taken into account to further develop and fine-tune this initiative. The input received will be summarized in a report, explaining how it has been taken into account.

More info here

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