Welke maatregelen om betalingsachterstanden te bestrijden?

De Europese Commissie raadpleegt bedrijven met het oog op de herziening van de richtlijn betalingsachterstanden. Geef uw mening over de vaststelling van beleidsmaatregelen op Europees niveau om betalingsachterstanden doeltreffender aan te pakken.

Share your views on ecodesign for sustainable products & help improve European regulation

The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on what the new product priorities under the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) should be.

Apply to the New European Bauhaus booster 2.0

Are you a European startup or scaleup developing innovative solutions to drive sustainable change for cities, industries, climate, food, well-being and overall quality of life?

2,250 EUR financiering steun aan intellectuele eigendom voor merken-, ontwerp- en octrooiaanvragen

Het KMO-fonds van de EU biedt gedeeltelijke terugbetalingen van vergoedingen voor merk-, ontwerp- en octrooiaanvragen en IP Scan- diensten van 2022 tot 2024.

What are the main conclusions of the EU SME survey on sustainable EU food system initiative?

The SME survey supports the preparation of a new EU sustainable food system initiative, which aims to make the EU food system more sustainable by integrating sustainability into all food-related policies.

List of Short-Term Measures to Save and Substitute Energy at Companies

Due to the current high-price situation for energy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe are under great pressure to reduce their energy consumption, to be-come more energy efficient and/ or to make use of carbon neutral renewable energies by replacing climate damaging fossil fuels.