EU Survey on Business Practices Related to Using Customer Data
The European Commission is exploring new legislative initiatives concerning business practices where customer data is used to increase revenues and has opened a consultation. Do you utilize customer data? Have your voice heard by 16 September.
R&I related public consultation on dual-use technologies
The overall objective of this White Paper is to explore options to improve the integration and cross-fertilisation of civil and defence technologies in the European industry. It will do this by pursuing the better use and exploitation of project results and identifying actions to allow, where applicable, dual-use results from civil R&D activities for defence applications and from defence R&D activities for civil applications.
Aerospace & Defence industrial ecosystems: speak up your voice !
consultation on aerospace and defence industrial ecosystems
Share your views on ecodesign for sustainable products & help improve European regulation
The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on what the new product priorities under the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) should be.
What would you think of a common European mobility data space ?
The purpose of a common European mobility data space (EMDS) is to facilitate data access as well as the pooling and sharing of data for more efficient, safe, sustainable, and resilient transport. This initiative is part of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. What do you think of this initiative?
Consultation : A Drone strategy 2.0 for Europe to foster sustainable and smart mobility
Public consultation on drones for sustainable and smart mobility