Our customised support to the sustainable development of your business

Did you know that since January 2022, you can count on Enterprise Europe Brussels’ advisors c/o hub.brussels to get customised support on the sustainability challenges your company faces every day? Enterprise Europe Brussels’ advisors can guide you to : First, your advisors analyse your current level of sustainability in order to properly adapt to your […]

Funding opportunities for civil tech & defence-related companies

If you participated in the EDF info days last June, you should already be aware. If not, a quick selection of calls for proposals

Migration of results from civil EU-funded R&D programmes to the defence sector : a way to expand business 

EUDIS - EU Defence Innovation Scheme - is built around a series of support measures to help European innovative companies bring their ideas to defence end-users.

€215.5 million available for advancing Europe’s circular bio-based economy

Are you an SME active in the circular bio-based industries ecosystem in Europe? This call for proposals worth EUR 215.5 million might be for you!

Intellectual property: €60 million fund and harmonised EU patent rules to protect your brilliant ideas

Intellectual property (IP) is a key driver for economic growth as it helps companies gain value from their intangible assets (brands, designs, patents and data).

Long-term competitiveness of the EU: looking beyond 2030

In a fast-changing and unpredictable world, the EU must strive to secure prosperity and maintain its competitiveness. To ensure that European businesses flourish, the Commission has developed a long-term strategy, looking beyond 2030, to boost competitiveness and productivity.